
n. pl. anx·i·e·ties
1. A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties.
2. Psychiatry: A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning.
3. Eager, often agitated desire: my anxiety to make a good impression.
I'm trying to think of a time when I was more anxious about something, and I honestly can't come up with anything. I seem to have shortcircuited somewhere in my cranium and it's becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything other than two things: My MICA result and the letter carrying my MICA result. It's a strange situation. I'm perfectly aware of the fact that waiting and biting of perfectly nice nails is not going to speed up the Indian post, but I can't seem to get my mind latched on to anything else. I'm so desperate, I was actually humming "Dakia Daak Laya" in my head like a background track. And when you begin singing songs like that in your head, it's time to do something about it!
So I thought I'd enlist the help of omniscient, omnipotent Google (which I have realised I cannot lead my life without). So here are some of the more unusual things my trusted Google would have me do to beat, punch, kick, hit, pucture, pulverize, pound and bust the stress.
- Prune my garden and talk to my flowers. (I hope weeding my two flowerpots will do the trick.)
- Buy a ranch in the countryside. (I'll tell my accountant to keep my millions ready.)
- Eat Mexican yams. (Batata chalega? Mexico zara door hai...)
- Challenge yourself with a new game of skill. (Thumb wars!)
- Don't read the newspaper. (Because of all the little evil words?)
- Reach your "zone". ("Address" please.)
- Laugh. Or Cry.
- Find a secret pal. (Imaginary friend?)
- Go shopping. (Now we're talking...)
I'm probably going to find it a little challenging to buy a ranch or eat those Mexican yams, but I know I did something right just now. Google might not have helped me all that much with finding viable means to beat the stress until the Dakia does decide to show up. If anything, it has suggested some exceedingly cheesy options as well as the weird (and expensive) options mentioned above. And I think it'll be a while before I get me that ranch or even a bowl of those Mexican yams.
But Google has alleviated my stress. Its kept my cranium occupied, fixed that shortcircuit a little by forcing me to do something apart from looking out of my window wistfully and singing filmi-ishtyle for Dakiababu in my head. I've barely given my letter a thought during the last couple of minutes! Wahey! So I might not exactly have found a quickfix for my anxiety, but I did find something to keep me occupied- so I suppose I did find a fix.
As always, Google- my hero!
awesome song ..."dakiya dak laya" ipod needs that ....
well its heartning 2 note that people still wait for the venrable dakiya....
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