The Miscellany Manifesto

Random Musings of a Transient Soul

Mr Neky and the Histories of Time

Mr Neky, my friend from one of the Countryside treks, promised me three months ago that he'd send me some books about the theories of time. I thought he was kidding then.

But lo and behold!
The balding courier guy handed me a thick air-mail parcel with the customary (and free) corny smile and a "Sign here, pliz."
Inside were 'A Brief History of Time' (Hawking), 'The Arrow of Time' (Coveney, Highfield) and 'Chaos' (Gleick)...

How wonderful. A perfect stranger but for a couple of days spent trekking together. And he goes to the trouble of finding, buying and mailing those books to me all the way from Bristol.
They're right, book lovers are a wonderful bunch.
I'm so grateful. Thank You Mr Neky.

It's strange how quickly one can bond when trekking. I find that all the things that would bar one from befriending another on a day-to-day basis are suddenly of no concern when amidst the mountains. Nature really is a great leveller. Such wonderful, inexplicable friendships are forged then. Friendships that survive for all times and in all weathers in that wonderfully relaxed, free atmosphere of shared adventure and passion. But they're also delicate friendships, which somehow don't withstand normalcy. I find its best to enjoy these friendships while one is living them, but then they must be left to live on in peace and perfection in that unhurried air. Taken beyond the boundaries of the mountains, they somehow struggle to survive.
Almost always...
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