Blogs Away!
My previous attempts at blogging have been less than perfect, which is a really polite way to put it. The first got too pretentious. The second, too personal. Honestly, I feel tremendously guilty about creating them and then abandonning them halfway through. Actually, its more like a quarter of a fifth of the way through. I barely got started on them when I decided I'd had enough. I somehow feel like a bad mother. Odd analogy, I know, but feels that way.
This time around, I'd like to think I'm wisened by experience. I'd like to think, mind. I'm going to try my best to not make this into some sort of diary, but also to verge away from some dry commentary with big words I've flicked from
Surprisingly enough, what I've noticed until now is that it isn't such a fine line after all. I'm being conscious about keeping it pretence and angst-free. Though I must warn my sparse readers, as a very wise person once said: Life likes to donate you a pimple once in a while.
Blogs Away!
P.s: Currently listening to Dave Matthews make magic with DreamGirl. Smooth.... Please please for the love of all things that aren't Britney, Jessica or Kaanta Laga, listen to it!