Chasing Creases over Edges

[You know when the bedsheet has a hundred creases running criss-cross over its skin, and you sit down and smooth a hand over them, chase them over the edges with your palm and the surface is placid once again? Well that is what this is about.]
I have an urge to begin with, "I havn't been writing lately..." But I won't even bother. As it is, those words have made an appearance on this blog one too many distressing times. If you could see me now, you'd see shrugged shoulders and both arms raised, hooking the air like question marks, because it just defies me! Like physics or people letting numerology decapitate their names, why I let writing slip is beyond me, especially when I love it so much. It's beyond me. Be-yond.
All those little epiphanies it bought everyday, the bit-by-bit catharsis, that magic feeling of words coming together in my head at the merest hint of something to share on the blog. That feeling one gets when a complete stranger writes in to say a post made their day, or simply "Bless your heart". Or how the awkward patterns of everyday fit together to make a more beautiful picture. Just the simple joy that creating something everyday gave....I don't get why I stopped. So, like I said, beyond me. Which is a far far away place.
So I'm starting again. Because I need to. Like, really.
I have an urge to begin with, "I havn't been writing lately..." But I won't even bother. As it is, those words have made an appearance on this blog one too many distressing times. If you could see me now, you'd see shrugged shoulders and both arms raised, hooking the air like question marks, because it just defies me! Like physics or people letting numerology decapitate their names, why I let writing slip is beyond me, especially when I love it so much. It's beyond me. Be-yond.
All those little epiphanies it bought everyday, the bit-by-bit catharsis, that magic feeling of words coming together in my head at the merest hint of something to share on the blog. That feeling one gets when a complete stranger writes in to say a post made their day, or simply "Bless your heart". Or how the awkward patterns of everyday fit together to make a more beautiful picture. Just the simple joy that creating something everyday gave....I don't get why I stopped. So, like I said, beyond me. Which is a far far away place.
So I'm starting again. Because I need to. Like, really.
I was contemplating "junking" (bad karma, bad karma) this blog altogether and beginning another. Total abandonment. But then some more thought about that and I realized that it wouldn't be any good at all. I'd just be running away from my poor neglected blog, unsung stories and a heap of heaving guilt. (Yes, I know, I have a complex relationship with The Miscellany Manifesto. Told you, really not funny how long I've been meaning to begin being the regular, average blogger again.)
I began writing for me. But soon enough, there were enough eyeballs on this blog to really encourage me to keep going. Now, greedy me, I want that again. Which is what that e-mail/ping was about. It was also about me needing a sharp elbow nudge between my ribs if I fall off the wagon again and stop writing. So help me out, ok? Also, comments solicited on new outrageous template. (Green much?)
arre! it is dhingchak, dhaasu and fundoo! i louuve it! my only doubt did u ever accept something made by "gecko" and fly???
anyways, all of these seem to be little, faltering steps in the right direction...
i wish you good luck and plenty of verbosity :D in the upkeep of this blog...bring on the inimitable imagery that u rock my world with ever so often!
You write beautifully! It makes look even the most perturbed of scenes smooth.. gives a calm feeling.. keep writing always please :)
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