14.7.06Comprehension is a weird bugger. You think you could cope with the things going on around you on a daily basis, like every other normally functioning human; but sometimes so many things happen all at once, comprehension abandons ship. Precisely what has happened to me right now.
I should stop being so cryptic, comprehension is at such a premium right now. I still find pinching myself on a fairly regular basis a good way to realize that I'm actually at MICA now. Finally. I should ideally have been done with the pinching bit about two weeks ago, but then again, the Tubelight is the Tubelight because she takes her time. For example, after a late night session at the Library that lasted until 3 30am last night I walked out into the cold, quiet campus and thought- now this is it. After two plus weeks here, I finally get it.
Everything seems to have gone into super fast forward since I got here. Friendships, working relationships, intuitive gems and intuitive glitches seem to be coming at me at a never before speed. To say that the people here are nice would be the nice thing to say- except that most are nice and all that. However, intuition is currently doing overtime and I'm figuring things out far quicker than earlier. A refreshing change for the Tubelight. Should this be taken as a symptom of "The Growing Up"?
I finally have a place that is all mine now. Well, sort of. That, apart from the classes, is the best bit for me. I love the fact that it's all mine. It's home. And it's so good to come back to it at night. Just last night I walked in after a 4am snack to a warm room and my bed- and I was home. My happiest moment here.
Classes are amazing. I can quite honestly say that, so far, I've found each one interesting. I cannot begin expressing how thankful I am to be studying here. I hate feeling drowsy in class- there couldn't possibly be something more disrespectful in a classroom. I've been trying hard to avoid the sleeps in class- success for most part. But Accounts? Pass me the Stimulant.
I think about it and I realize I'm happy. This is where I wanted to be. I'm lucky. Because this is exactly where I am. And damn me if I don't make the most of it. The Tubelight switches on.